#0 Life As a Business

Getting your life in order might be one of the hardest tasks to get around. Maybe the older you get the easier or more necessary it becomes. But I see it like any investment, the earlier you jump in, the bigger the results will be. Last year I started this quest. I began using a bullet-journal to tackle some personal quirks. I used to procrastinate on almost everything, the rest I would simply forget, is suck with dates and names. And the journal fixed some of it. But is still screw up. But at least it makes me aware and holds me accountable.

Research and Development

knowledge, books, principles, hobby’s, skills, training, courses

Operation and Sales

Work, career, side hustles, workspace, future, co-worker management,


Planning, payments, appointments, time-management, Hardest category


Investing, Budgeting, FIRE, Taxes, income, Debt, Costs, Profit

Marketing // Public Relations

Digital marketing (blog), Instagram, LinkedIn, Network, P’s, Sell yourself

Quality Management


Human Resources

Fitness, sport, Health, what to eat, work-out, time-management, stress, mindfulness